Dave Decker , founder of Dogdaddy is a Humane Society Policy leader Volunteer for Pennsylvania.

2019/2020 Rescue Crawl

dogdaddyrescuecrawl CALLING ALL DOGS AND THEIR HUMAN PALS! 2019 DogDaddy Dog Food Drive Benefits Fisherman's Mark Food Pantry NEW HOPE, PA – www.DogDaddy.org, an animal cruelty prevention organization dedicated to the health, wellbeing and happiness of our dogs, is involved with Fisherman's Mark, a local food pantry, to feed the dogs of people in financial distress [...]

By |2021-03-24T17:33:03+00:00December 22nd, 2019|DogDaddy Dog Food Drives, Press Release|0 Comments

Press Release: Dogdaddy.org

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 17, 2014 Contact: Dave Decker DogDaddy.org wishes to announce it's recently-granted national not-for-profit status from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (IRS) and is effective (retroactively) as of November 2011.This now enables our locally New Hope based organization to continue to fulfill its mission and assure that all past, present, and [...]

By |2021-12-03T18:56:07+00:00February 23rd, 2014|Past Events, Press Release|0 Comments

Press Release: 2012 DogDaddy Fest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Dave Decker dave@organic-chair.flywheelsites.com The 3rd Annual DogDaddy Fest will be held on Sunday, September 9th, 2012 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm at the New Hope Solebury High School, located on West Bridge Street, New Hope, Pa. Presented by DogDaddy.Org, the event features numerous activities for both canines and their owners. [...]

By |2021-03-18T17:24:29+00:00June 23rd, 2012|Past Events, Press Release|0 Comments