Dave Decker , founder of Dogdaddy is a Humane Society Policy leader Volunteer for Pennsylvania.

Posts containing legal resources or news. Will be posted on the Legal Page Blog

Guardianship Revisited. Dogdaddy.org

DOGDADDY.ORG The Guardian Movement had a birthday not too long ago, but hardly anyone noticed. The brainchild of Dr. Elliot Katz, founder and president of the animal welfare organization In Defense of Animals, the Guardian Movement was inaugurated with a laudable goal: advancing animal welfare by changing the public perception of the relationship between animals [...]

By |2021-03-18T17:24:29+00:00September 17th, 2015|Legal, RESOURCES|0 Comments

Template for Court Order to Surrender Abused Animals

These documents were generously donated to DogDaddy.org by J. Gregg Miller, Pepper Hamilton, LLP (Philadelphia). These documents are designed to enable a judge to produce a court order, forcing abusive pet owners to surrender their pets to rescues and shelters. Download here: PENNSYLVANIA Template for Abused Animal Surrender PBA Presentation - REDACTIONS _2_ [...]

By |2021-03-18T17:24:29+00:00September 17th, 2015|Legal, RESOURCES|0 Comments

The Humane Scoreboard

Every year the Humane Society Legislative Fund creates a federal Humane Scorecard to give you a snapshot of the animal protection issues considered by the U.S. Congress. The Humane Scorecard lets you see if your legislators are voting or taking action to help protect animals. The scorecard tracks key votes as well as cosponsorship of [...]

By |2015-09-17T21:20:49+00:00September 17th, 2015|Legal, RESOURCES|0 Comments