Dave Decker , founder of Dogdaddy is a Humane Society Policy leader Volunteer for Pennsylvania.

About Dave Decker

14 years ago my life completely changed without warning. I was a contractor and while on a job, I fell approximately 30 feet, breaking my back, ribs, hips, femur, pelvis, and suffering internal organ damage. The prognosis for recovery was grim and rehabilitation was tough. Through over eight years of rehabilitation I had severe limitations and suffered chronic pain. Had it not been for my dog, Hershey, a Giant Chocolate Lab Newfoundland, I would have become wheelchair bound. Hershey forced me up and out, as he required walking and care. His companionship was priceless during the worst times. Without even knowing it, Hershey saved my life. Another lifeline during this period was Fisherman’s Mark. During recovery, workmen’s compensation would periodically stop my medical and financial benefits. I found myself out of food on these occasions and turned to the Food Pantry at Fisherman’s Mark in order to supplement the cost of living for Hershey and myself. This allowed me to keep Hershey and continue to facilitate my recovery. Today, I have recovered from my accident enough to be active in the community. With a regimen of constant physical training, diet and supplements I have rehabilitated myself and I’m back on my feet, physically and financially. My story might be quite different if I had been in a situation where I had to surrender my dog due to my economic and physical distress. As a result, my mark in the community is Dogdaddy.org through which I have found a way to meaningfully give back. For more information about Dogdaddy go to www.organic-chair.flywheelsites.com and like us on Facebook.

2019/2020 Rescue Crawl

dogdaddyrescuecrawl CALLING ALL DOGS AND THEIR HUMAN PALS! 2019 DogDaddy Dog Food Drive Benefits Fisherman's Mark Food Pantry NEW HOPE, PA – www.DogDaddy.org, an animal cruelty prevention organization dedicated to the health, wellbeing and happiness of our dogs, is involved with Fisherman's Mark, a local food pantry, to feed the dogs of people in financial distress [...]

By |2021-03-24T17:33:03+00:00December 22nd, 2019|DogDaddy Dog Food Drives, Press Release|0 Comments

Dog Food Scoring System

How to grade your dog's food (Some brands are done at the very bottom): Start with a grade of 100: 1. For every listing of "by-product, " subtract 10 points 2. For every non-specific animal source ("meat" or "poultry," meat, meal or fat) reference, subtract 10 points 3. If the food contains BHA, BHT, or [...]

By |2021-03-18T17:24:29+00:00October 9th, 2015|Health, RESOURCES|0 Comments

Guardianship Revisited. Dogdaddy.org

DOGDADDY.ORG The Guardian Movement had a birthday not too long ago, but hardly anyone noticed. The brainchild of Dr. Elliot Katz, founder and president of the animal welfare organization In Defense of Animals, the Guardian Movement was inaugurated with a laudable goal: advancing animal welfare by changing the public perception of the relationship between animals [...]

By |2021-03-18T17:24:29+00:00September 17th, 2015|Legal, RESOURCES|0 Comments

Press Release: Dogdaddy.org

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 17, 2014 Contact: Dave Decker DogDaddy.org wishes to announce it's recently-granted national not-for-profit status from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (IRS) and is effective (retroactively) as of November 2011.This now enables our locally New Hope based organization to continue to fulfill its mission and assure that all past, present, and [...]

By |2021-12-03T18:56:07+00:00February 23rd, 2014|Past Events, Press Release|0 Comments

Second Annual DogDaddy Dog Food Drive (2012)

CALLING ALL DOGS AND THEIR HUMAN PALS!!! 2nd ANNUAL DOGDADDY.ORG FOOD DRIVE KICKS OFF AT THE LAMBERTVILLE-NEW HOPE WINTER FESTIVAL 2012 NEW HOPE, PA - January 5th, 2012, www.DogDaddy.org, a fundraising website dedicated to the health, happiness and well-being of dogs and their humans, kicks off their second annual dog food drive at the Lambertville-New [...]

By |2021-03-18T17:24:29+00:00January 5th, 2013|DogDaddy Dog Food Drives|0 Comments